
Close Up Considerations
| May 28, 2021

Plumbing connections, shingle installation, ridge vent installation, and repair are other areas of the home that also need special attention during close up.  Plumbing Connections and Plumbing Drops While plumbing connections are quite obvious, plumbing drops can often go unnoticed. There are cases where the bottom board may fall below the plumbing extension, which makes […]

Air Infiltration
| May 25, 2021

In many cases, when homeowners report that their home is not cooling, contractors often blame the size of the air conditioning unit. However, air infiltration is often the actual issue. According to the North American Insulation Manufacturer’s Association (NAIMA), air infiltration or air leakage contributes up to 35% of heat loss in a home1. An […]

Matelines: Physical Connection
| May 19, 2021

Physical Connection: Why a Secure Mateline Connection is Crucial to Manufactured Homes For all the craftsmanship that goes into building and setting up a manufactured home, the marriage line or mateline connection can be the weakest link in the process and can jeopardize the performance of a great home. Common symptoms of a poor mateline […]

Site Preparations for CrossMod™
| Sep 8, 2020

A new class of manufactured homes, known as CrossMod, is making incredible strides for homeowners. A CrossMod allows a homeowner to purchase a HUD code home using traditional site-built financing. CrossMod models are modern, stylish homes that can appreciate in value because they can use site-built homes as comps in the appraisal process. Two Lending […]

Basic Soils Science
| Aug 31, 2020

Soil is made up of different sized particles, air, and water. The four main types of soil are: gravel, sand, silt, and clay. The type of soil used can make or break the overall quality of the foundation so it’s important to understand a few basics of soil science to ensure a long-lasting foundation. Watch […]

Retaining Walls
| Feb 11, 2020

A retaining wall is a vertical structure designed to contain soil and prevent erosion. The most common retaining walls used in residential construction are Gravity and Anchored walls. Gravity walls use the weight of the wall to hold back the soil. They are best suited to small slopes requiring walls of less than 3-4 feet […]

Unreinforced Slopes
| Feb 6, 2020

Many homeowners choose to place their home on lots with steep slopes. Generally, a contractor removes the “toe” by cutting a shelf into the side of the hill. The “toe” plays a critical role in keeping the upper portion stable. Removing the “toe” without reinforcement should be avoided. An unreinforced slope can erode and collapse, […]

Easy Foundation Design
| Aug 2, 2019

32’ Max. Home Width Eave/Overhang: 12” Max. Roof Load: 20 PSF Soil Bearing Cap: 1500 PSF Min.   If your site inspection reveals any conditions such as uncompacted fill, highly organic soil or peat, or saturated soil/standing water indicating a high water table, and/or soil that does not drain, consult with a professional engineer or […]

Masonry Skirting Enclosure
| Aug 2, 2019

We recently were asked to interpret the grading requirements beneath the home when the space is enclosed with a masonry wall. HUD Code (24 CFR § 3285.203) states that “Home sites must be prepared so that there will be no depressions in which surface water may accumulate beneath the home.” This is interpreted to mean […]

Proper Site Preparation
| Aug 2, 2019

The first step is to remove all the grass, plants, trees, stumps, leaves, and other organic material from where the home will be placed for at least 10’ around the home. If the top layer of soil contains soft, silty clay or rich topsoil, then it too must be removed. These types of soils do […]


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